

Even though today was a gloomy Saturday morning it wasn't going to stop me from going to the KCC Farmers Market. What I love about the Farmers Market is that anything you buy is helping to support local business and if you have read any of my posts you'd know I am big into supporting local. Also everything is made with fresh ingredients as well, which is another thing I absolutely love.

The first stop I made was at Paniolo Popcorn. This booth makes fresh kettle corn popcorn right in front of you in a big metal pot. It is packaged quickly so when you get your package it is still warm. A big bag of popcorn is $7 and $5 for the small bag. 

Next, I stopped at the KCC Culinary Arts Booth. This booth has baked goods and lunch plates all made by the KCC Culinary students. It is a good way to help out their program and taste the yummy products they have learned how to make. We got a big piece of banana poi bread for $2.50. 

Although getting a li hing mui lemonade in a mason jar from Waimanalo Country Farms was tempting, I decided to try something a little bit different. My mom and I shared their homemade lemon bar, which was absolutely delicious. It is made fresh with their nalo grown lemons that same morning. It was light and not overly tangy, which I liked.

One of my favorite things to get from the farmers market is Lavosh from the Bale booth. They have a lot of freshly made breads, pastries, sweet treats and much more. But their Mango Lavosh is to die for. It has a perfect crunch with a hint of mango and caramelized sugar on the top. I am guilty of eating at least 5 pieces before we even got home. 

Since the sun was finally starting to peep out of the clouds, my mom and I decided to get a Ono Pop. I have seen these Popsicle everywhere but never tried one before. They are made with fresh whole ingredients, which made it that much more satisfying. I got the Mango Honey Cream and it was really good. It had a very strong mango flavor but that's what I loved about it. My mom had the Kula Strawberry with Goat Cheese. It sounds very questionable but it was surprisingly delicious. These Ono Pops are good on any day no matter the time or the weather. 

The Farmers market may sound like a place for a bunch of hippy organic people but trust me anyone can find something here. There are many different local favorites and fresh produce. It is a great way to spend a saturday morning. 

xo. Laur

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