
What I am Grateful For ...

With Thanksgiving fast approaching in two days, this really has me thinking what I am thankful for. Thanksgiving isn't about the great food (although we all love that part) but being thankful for what we have. Over the next two days, I am going to go over ten things that I am thankful for. Today I am going to start with the number one thing I am thankful for and that is my parents.

My mom and dad are absolutely incredible people. They are my inspiration and one of my biggest motivations. Although, I do not say it nearly as much as I should, I am eternally grateful for the love and support they give me.

5 reasons I am grateful for my Dad:

  1. My dad always makes sacrifices for our family. Although, he never gets credit for half of the things he does, he doesn't do it for the recognition or appreciation but because he loves us.
  2. If I need something, my dad is always just a phone call away. He will literally drop everything he is doing to be wherever I need him to be.
  3. My dad is the reason that I can travel all around the world. This is an opportunity I never thought I would be blessed with but thank goodness I am. 
  4. My dad is always supportive of everything I do, whether it be school, my blog, etc.
  5. Lastly, I am grateful for my dad because he is always rational when our family (of all girls might I add) gets crazy. He doesn't dwell on situations but instead rises above them. 
5 reasons I am grateful for my Mom:
  1. My mom is one of my best friends. I can always count on her to go on lunch dates, shopping trips, via gelato runs and to travel with me wherever I want to go. I can always count on her to be my right hand (wo)man. 
  2. My mom is always supportive of everything I do. Although, she is more obsessed with U of O than she is UH Manoa, I know she is proud of me. 
  3. I can always count on my mom to stay up late with me to watch our favorite shows. When I say late, I mean like 1 am. Oh how I love our special bond.
  4. My mom can deal with all my mood swings and still love me. That's true love. 
  5. I am grateful for my mom because I can talk to her about anything and I know she won't judge me. 
What are you grateful for? Stay tuned for my next two days of appreciation posts.

xo. Laur

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