

Pikes Market in Seattle Washington is the holy grail of all farmers markets. It was started in the early 1900s and has grown very much since then. Now it is not only a Farmers market for produce but there are restaurants, bakeries, shop and much more. Everything is farm fresh and locally grown. You all know how much I love that. Pikes is like a huge grocery store with fresh, local products. Nothing is processed and that is what I love about it. It is open 7 days a week so residents and visitors can get quality goods almost everyday of the year. This is definitely a place everyone should come to if you are ever in Seattle.

My first stop is always to the Pike's Place Fish Co. The seafood is incredibly fresh considering Pikes is less than a mile from the water. It is unlike any other fish shop I have been to because instead of handing the fish to each other it is flown across the shop. And they never miss. You can imagine how this draws a crowd. It is definitely a site to see regardless if you are going to buy seafood or not.

Next, I always walk past all of the flower booths. I am a sucker for flowers. I am always drawn in by the beautiful colors. The most common flower around pikes at the moment was tulips, since they are in season now. Each flower was only a dollar or $10 for a dozen. You can never get quality flowers for that cheap in Hawaii. If I lived in Seattle, I could see myself going to Pikes for a dozen flowers every week to brighten up my house.

All of the fresh produce looked absolutely lovely. The farmer told me that these berries were picked the day before. It doesn't get any fresher than that. It is always nice to have fresh quality produce seven days a week.

Greek Yogurt is one of my favorite things to eat for breakfast and Pikes has a yogurt bar. They sell pints, quarts and cups of yogurt for a reasonable price. There are 20+ flavors to choose from such as lemon, berries, honey, passion fruit, cookies and cream and much more. This is such a wonderful booth because you can get fresh quality yogurt instead of buying prepackaged kind. I would love a place like this in Hawaii.

xo. Laur

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