

I have finally taken care of a long overdue injury that I got when I was in the eighth grade. It is called Osteochondroma. It started as a bruise and caused internal calcium buildup above my knee next to my muscle. It has caused me on and off pain for years so I finally decided to take care of it.

I went into same day surgery at Queens Hospital and had a great experience. My doctors and nurses were extremely nice and helpful to insure that I was comfortable. I checked in around 1045 and left around 4 in the afternoon. My journey started off by running standard procedure tests, then IV, then I got briefed on my surgery and then I went into the Operating Room. The procedure took around 45-60 minutes and then I was out to recover. The procedure was a success without any complications.

But the hard part wasn't the operation, it will be the long road to recovery to get me back in tip top shape. I am on crutches for a couple days. You truly appreciate something like using your leg when it is taken away. I didn't realize how hard it would be hobbling around not being able to care for myself but it is. It takes me twice as long to do everything, taking a shower is nearly impossible and going up and down stairs can be difficult. But I am trying my best and this experience will only make me stronger.

I have a very good support system that helps me every step of the way. My family and friends are amazing humans and I am lucky to have them. My mom is a great nurse and helps me to everything that I can't do. I try to do everything myself because I don't want to burden and it sucks being helpless at times. But everyday that passes I get better at doing simple everyday tasks. There's a long road ahead of me but I am up for the challenge.

xo. Laur

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