

Next week is finals so this weekend for me consisted of studying, studying and more studying. It was such a drag especially since my sister was in town from Oregon and it was Mother's Day weekend but you gotta do what you gotta do. My sister went to Via Gelato for the first time and was nice enough to bring home a cup of deliciousness for me. 

I got the Caramel Gelato and Cherry Amaretto Chocolate Chip Gelato. My boss is a big Via Gelato lover and her favorite flavor is the Cherry Amaretto so I had to give it a try. Since I am not a big fan of cherry, I wasn't sure how I would like it but to my surprise I liked it a lot. The almond flavor with a hint of cherry and chocolate was very delicious. The caramel gelato was smooth and light and a very great pair to the Cherry. This was a much needed study treat to get me through these long nights of studying. I may need to go back again sometime during this long dreadful finals week. Luckily they're open late. 

xo. Laur

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